Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Victorian Invention Radio Adverts

In ICT this term we have been researching Victorian inventions and then using iPad apps to create radio adverts, advertising our product. 

We used the Thinkbox app to study adverts and then, in groups, we thought very carefully about persuasive techniques and then came up with a script. 

Then, using Garage Band, we rehearsed our scripts and then recorded our voice (altering our pitch and volume) as well as layering music, and adding instruments to our adverts.

Please have a listen and let us know what you think!

This is Cameron, Elliot, Kyle and Jordan's advert for the light bulb.

This is Charlie, Christian and Elliot's advert for the motor car.

This is Cheyanne, Lucy and Willow's advert for the steam ship.

This is Henry, Ben and Luke's advert for motor car.

This is Honey's advert for the steam ship.

This is Lylie, Evie and Carla's advert for Morse Code.

This is Melissa, Jess and Thomas' advert for ice cream flavours.

This is Ruby, Gabrielle and James' advert for the light bulb.

This is Callum, Kieran and Nathan 's advert for toothpaste.

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