Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Election Fever!

To coincide with the National Election Owls and Otters held their own election.  The two classes formed 8 political parties: The Motion Party,  Reform Party, Victory Party, Vision Party,  Ideal Party, Progress Party,  Tomorrow Party and the Transform Party.

They also had to designate a party leader:

Each party had to decide on the issues that were important to them and write a manifesto, then produce leaflets and posters that would promote their message.



On Election Day everyone went to the hall to listen to the speeches.

Adam was the leader of the Victory Party. In his speech he said they were committed to ensuring that girls in this country and around the world would have a good education.

Willow, leader of the Vision Party, said her party would make sure schools have more money and would aim to give every child an iPad.

Evie spoke on behalf of the Transform Party.  They proposed that if people smoke and end up in hospital (with a smoking related illness) they should pay for their medical treatment.

Alfie led the Motion Party and promised to defend coastal areas to stop erosion.

The Tomorrow Party was led by Callum. If elected, he said that children would start school at the age of 3 so that they could learn things that they don't have time to do at the age of 5.  Their slogan "Say goodbye to today, and say hello to a brighter Tomorrow" was remembered by a lot of people.

Emily made a powerful speech on behalf of the Reform Party promising to remove university tuition fees for all students.

The Progress Party was lead by Carla who wanted to promote healthy eating.  She proposed that all children in Primary Schools should have weekly cooking lessons.

The Ideal Party, led by Matthew, declared that they would lower taxes so that people could spend more of their money on things they want to buy.

After the speeches the voting began... Voting slips were handed out.

Voting took place in private cubicles and the slips were duly put in the Ballot Box.

Mrs Chamberlain counted all the votes and as the Returning Officer announced the results the following day.

Each candidate stood at the front...

It was very tense listening to the results...
The party with the most votes was...


The official results were:
Willow (Vision Party) 31
Evie (Transform Party) 19
Carla ( Progress Party) 17
Callum (Tomorrow Party) 26
Adam (Victory Party) 29
Alfie (Motion Party) 38
Matthew (Ideal Party) 26
Emily (Reform Party) 26

Well done to everyone who worked hard in this party and to all the other candidates and their helpers.

It was a fun, interesting experience which the children enjoyed doing, plus they learnt a lot about our democratic voting system.

Here are the views of some children:

"It was fun doing the election! I have never done anything like this. When we were in front of the whole school I felt a bit awkward". Ilana

"I enjoyed participating in the Roydon General  Election,  I was glad to win over the other parties. Everyone had brilliant speeches... the voting was very tight . 
It was double Chenery success for the election. ( My brother won when he was here) Alfie 

"I was the leader of The Victory Party and it was a good experience of voting and being a leader. I was very disappointed with the results."  Adam 

"I thought it was a good idea to do an election - it gave us the chance to take part because we wont be able to do it until we are 18."  Lylie.

"It was fun and different and I enjoyed the experience." Jess

"It was good to hear people's opinions about how we could improve this country."  Cameron

"It was a fair election because everyone got the chance to take part and decide on the winner." Nathan

"Everyone took it seriously; it made us think about different things. It gave us the chance to experience what it will be like to vote when we are older and have to make choices."  Kieran

"I enjoyed  making the posters and helping Emily to write her speech." Olivia